If you are 27 years old and thinking of going to college then you might be wondering whether or not 27 is too old to go to college.

This post will show you a number of reasons that it is not the case and some things that you might want to consider.

So, is 27 years old too old to start college? There will likely be many other students there that are older than 27, the other students won’t know your age, it will open up new career opportunities for you and you’ll likely know exactly what you want to do. All of these factors mean that 27 is not too old to start college.

There are actually a number of reasons that 27 is not too old to start college and there are a number of things that you might want to consider when going to college.

27 is not very old

First of all, 27 is not actually very old. Most college students will be between the ages of 18 and about 24 this means that, at the age of 27, you won’t be that much older than the other students. So, if you’re worried about looking out of place then there really isn’t any need to be.

It also means that you have a long life ahead of you. This means that going to college could help your life overall since you will be able to benefit from having a college degree for a long time.

You’ll have a better understanding of what you want to do

Another reason that 27 years old is not too old to start college is that you will likely have a better understanding of what you want to do.

Many college students will switch majors many times throughout college and some will stick with majors that they don’t really like or don’t give them good job prospects.

Now that you have had the chance to experience what the real world is like for a number of years and you have some more life experience you should have a much better understanding of what you really want to do. This should help you to be able to choose your major much more easily and to have a much better idea of the classes that you want to take. This should help your college experience go a lot more smoothly.

You’ll be able to appreciate the value of the classes a lot more

Another reason that you might actually have an advantage over the other students is that you will likely be able to appreciate the value of the classes a lot more than them.

This is because you will have more experience than the other students and you will be more certain in what you want. This should help you to be able to study more effectively than the other students, retain information more easily and to do well in your classes.

Many other students will be a similar age as you

Another thing to realize is that there will likely be many other students at around the same age as you. It is at around the age of 27 that many military students will be starting in college and it’s not uncommon for other people to start college in their late 20’s.

There will be other students that are older than you

Another thing to consider is that compared to the ages that many other people start college at 27 is actually very young. There are many people that go back to college when they are in their 50’s so if they can do it then there really isn’t any reason that you can’t.

Other students won’t know how old you are

If you’re worried about looking out of place then there isn’t really any reason to be.

First, the students will likely not be able to tell how old you are very easily so many of them won’t even know how old you are.

Second, even if they do know how old you are, they won’t likely care all that much. So, there is no reason to be concerned about being judged.

It will improve your career prospects

Seeing as you still have a long time left ahead of you going to college will likely help you a lot in the long run.

Over a 40-year working life bachelors degree holders are expected to make 66% more than those without a bachelors degree.

This means that, by going to college, you can reasonably expect that it will boost your earning potential and improve your quality of life afterward.

Something to consider is that the degree that you choose will have a big impact on your earning potential when done with college. Degrees in the STEM field will often be degrees with the highest earning potential.

Things to consider

There are some things to consider if you are planning on going to college at the age of 27 that I will mention below.

The college that you go to

The culture of a college can vary significantly depending on the college.

The size, type, location and size of student body can all impact the culture that a college has. Before choosing the college that you want to go to it would be very worthwhile for you to consider what its culture is like and what it is known for before deciding on going there.

The major that you choose

The major that you choose will likely have an impact on the types of students that you will be around in your classes and the job opportunities that it will provide.

I studied mathematics and there were many people that were in their 50’s in my classes. So, you would likely not be out of place if you study any of the majors in the STEM field.

However, there will likely be older people in other majors as well since it is not uncommon for people to go back to college at an older age.


I created and currently manage College Corner. I received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. My goal is to help current students do better in college and to help future students plan for college. You can read more about me and my website here.