If you are thinking of taking accounting next semester then you might be wondering how difficult it will be.
This post will show you how difficult accounting is and what you can do to make it easier.
So, is accounting a hard class in college? Introductory accounting is not typically considered a very difficult class. However, some of the concepts can be difficult to grasp, at first, and if you’re not so good with numbers then you might find the class to be more challenging.
There are actually a number of factors that can influence the difficulty of accounting and there are a number of things that you can do to make it easier.
It depends on what you already know
How difficult accounting will be for you will largely depend on what you already know.
If you have already taken similar classes such as in finance or business then you will likely find accounting to be relatively easy. Although, some of the concepts can be difficult to understand, at first, so you might find the class to be difficult in the early stages.
Whereas, if you have not taken any similar classes and you are not so good with numbers then you will likely have to study more than the other students. However, there are many people that start take accounting, without any prior knowledge, and are able to come out with A’s so there is no reason that you can’t also do well in the class.
It depends on the professor
The difficulty of the class, and most other college classes, will depend a lot on the professor that is teaching it. The professor will dictate the pace of the class, what goes on exams and how much homework there is. Some will give you a study guide and others will tell you to know everything from the book.
Before taking the class it would help to look at what other students have said on ratemyprofessors.com. You will find that the professors with high ratings will have their classes fill up quickly so it would help to schedule your classes early on.
It depends on your interest in the subject
Another thing to consider is your level of interest in the subject.
If you are interested in learning about how to keep track of the finances of a company then you will likely find the class to be easier since you will find it easier to focus in class and to study.
If it is not something that really interests you then you will likely have a harder time in the class (but it will still be possible to do well if you don’t have a choice.)
You’ll need to study outside of class
While it is not considered as one of the more difficult classes, you will still need to study outside of class.
As mentioned earlier, some of the concepts can require a lot of effort to understand, at first, and there can be a lot of homework that gets set for the class.
Ways to make accounting easier
There are a number of things that you can do to make the class go by more smoothly that I will mention below.
Plan the semester out early on
It would help to plan out the schedule of all of your classes during the first week of the semester. By doing so you will be able to spot difficult weeks before they come, avoid missing out on exams and homework and know which classes you should be focusing on.
Make sure to do well on any homework
Introductory accounting will often have a high weighting that gets placed on the homework. Many students do not take the homework very seriously. However, this is a mistake since doing well on the homework will help you to do better on the exams and it will help to make up for poor exam scores.
You can ensure that you do well on the homework by reading the book before starting it, avoiding waiting until the day before it is due and using resources such as Google and Youtube to study parts that you get stuck on.
One other option would be to use the website chegg.com where they will give you to solutions to the different textbooks. However, it is important to make sure that you actually learn the material and avoid simply copying the answers otherwise you will struggle on the exams.
Read the textbook before jumping to the problems
Often, students will try to solve their homework problems based on what the teacher taught in-class without reading the book.
The problem with this is that some the teacher might skip over parts of the chapter from the book, the questions will be based on the material in the book and you won’t understand the material as well as you could.
Instead of jumping straight to the homework problems it would be more effective for you to read the relevant chapter first and then to try to solve the questions from the book after.
Get assistance if you need it
There will be resources available to you for when you get stuck on things. It is important to get help when you really get stuck. By getting help you’ll be able to show the professor that you are putting an effort into the class, avoid having gaps in your knowledge on the exam and you will be able to have a higher homework grade.
Prepare for the class before taking it
If you are concerned that college accounting will be difficult then you could prepare for the class before you start the semester. Doing so will make it much easier for you to understand the lectures and you will be able to do better on the homework.
You can prepare for the class by watching a Youtube series such as this one.